Friday, January 6, 2017

Follow up to ranking the walkers 2

So clearly the previous entry got some reactions. I seriously value what everyone has to say here and am aiming to make content better for everyone. A lot of my experience with things that are consider "Bad" has been to poke jokes at it. I don't want to come off as whiny or annoying to anyone so my over the top Youtubing attitude was something I thought for sure would be a fun way to look at some cards that I don't care for.

Well, it seems like I was wrong on that. A vast majority of my commander experience has been in a very cutthroat meta so I overvalue the top end cards and find things that aren't optimal bad. Now this isn't anything on you guys. If you want to play whatever you want that's totally cool. Play tribal Dabbing creatures deck, whatever you want.

Also a lot of things have come in where people say that X is good in this situation.
Yes, every walker that I listed can find a home in something. I joke and say that it's only in bad decks but look at Ancestral Statue for example, it's super bad. A four mana 3/3 that you have to bounce something to play? Then look at Animar...and you see why Statue is considered golden to Animar players. Same deal with Sorin, Ajani, Beefslab, and all the other walkers I've talked about so far. I'm certain they all have a home somewhere (Except Tibbers, he still sucks) <---That was also a joke, don't crucify me.

The reason they're far lower on the list than others is I feel like the remaining cards have far more homes than the ones mentioned so far. The ones I've mentioned so far have their own homes but it seems far less than the remaining ones.

I hope this has brought to light my thoughts clearer.

I edited the previous post that got so much flac and explained a little better why they're not as good as other walkers would be in that situation, this is the route I'll be going down for the rest of the countdown and they're only gonna get better from here.

Thanks for your time and I look forward to having an open discussion with you guys. Sorry for the flame war.


  1. While I did not care to comment on the post in question, I agree with their thoughts.
    Perhaps your future installments could focus on this "tier 1 super competitive Olympic super bowl meta" so we could see what you are up against every round. Most of us don't play commander to join the arms-race. That's what Modern is for. Is your audience (ie. me, a filthy casual who plays a casual format for *gasp* fun) lost on your approach to the format in general? Is this blog only for competitive-edh players?

    1. This blog is for all edh players.

      While I am competpive minded I can give analysis to other cards that don't fit that regard

  2. These reviews need some extra constructive comments. Something along the lines of "Void Maw is useful in a Sedris deck, because its effect is a replacement effect allowing to bypass the replacement effect of Unearth and use it repeatedly.".

    Making fun of cards and people that play them will lead this blog nowhere and just make people drop it, apart form a few who enjoy this style of writing, but then again, they will also learn nothing here. It was a bad start, but I'm curious how things will progress, so I'll give this place a chance. People can live with the fact that someone has a more competitive approach, as seen form the underplayed cards article mentioning Pyroblast and Mental Misstep as good, underplayed cards (I my casual playgroup these would probably be as useful as a Vizzerdrix), but they won't be willing to stay if they feel being laughed at. An it certainly happens if the statement just says that Gideon Jura is played in “bad aggro decks” or suggests people play something just because thy can't afford better options.

    Lastly, more of a general note – this is the trap of all sort of Top 10, Top 100 and other ranking style articles. It's easy to drop useful info for a “funny” tone just o attract readers. Getting the feel of the right balance is tricky, but will pay off. I already saw some legit good pieces of humor in the descriptions (selling Tibalt for a soda), but there's work to be done. Fingers crossed, there's a surprising lack of typical EDH review blogs since many of them start developing into more complex ones with specialized articles and sometimes I just feel like reading a simple, straightforward opinion or a list that helps me discover a hidden gem.

    1. Yeah I've been hearing a lot of those remarks since the previous entry. I'm trying to find a nice middle ground between snark and helpfulness. I'm feeling better about the next entry and I think from there it will only improve
